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Loading & Running ACMEScripts

By default scripts are stored in and are imported from the init directory and in its sub-directories, which names end with .scripts. They are imported from the secondary init directory as well. In addition, one can specify a list of directories in the configuration file with additional scripts that will be imported from those directories.

All files in those directories with the extension .as are treated as ACMEScript files and are automatically imported during CSE startup, and are also imported and updated during runtime if a file changes.

Running Scripts

There are many different ways to run scripts:

  • Scripts can be manually run from the console interface with the R (Run) command.
  • They can also be run by a specified keypress from the console interface (see the onKey meta tag).
  • Scripts can be scheduled to run at specific times or dates. This is similar to the Unix cron system (see the at meta tag).
  • It is possible to schedule scripts to run at certain events. Currently, the CSE init, onStartup, onRestart, and onShutdown events are supported.
  • Scrips can be run as a receiver of a NOTIFY request from the CSE. See the onNotification meta tag.
  • They can also be run as a command of the Upper Tester Interface.
  • Scripts can be integrated as tools in the Text UI. See also the section Text UI meta-tags for available tags.

Script Arguments

Scripts may have arguments that can be accessed with the argv function and argc variable.


Not all of the above methods support script arguments. For example, scripts that are run by the onStartup, onRestart, or onShutdown events do not support arguments.

Script Prompt

A script may ask for input before it runs. This can be enabled with the @prompt meta tag. The prompt's answer is then assigned as the script's first argument.


The @prompt meta tag should only be used when human interaction can be ensured. Running a script with this meta tag, for example, scheduled or unattended will cause the script to wait forever for user input.

Running Scripts at Startup, Restart, and Shutdown

Right after a CSE finished the start-up or restart, or just before a CSE shuts down it looks for scripts that have the @onStartup, @onRestart, or @onShutdown meta tags set, and runs them respectively.

Initialization Script

Whenever a CSE starts or is restarted (or reset) it is necessary to create couple of oneM2M resources and to build a basic resource tree. This is done by running a script that has the @init meta tag set. A script with this tag is executed right after the start of the internal services during the initialization of the importer service.


Only one script must have the @init meta tag set. By default this is the script from the CSE's init directory.