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This document describes the operations supported by ACMEScript.

Comparison Operations

The following comparison operations are supported by ACMEScript. They are used like any other function, and return a boolean value.

operation Description Example
== Equal to (== a b) ;; equal to: a == b
!=, <> Not equal to (!= a b) ;; equal to: a != b
< Smaller than (< a b) ;; equal to: a < b
<= Smaller or equal than (<= a b) ;; equal to: a <= b
> Greater than (> a b) ;; equal to: a > b
>= Greater or equal than (>= a b) ;; equal to: a >= b
(if (< 1 2)           ;; Evaluates to "true"
    (print "true")    ;; This expression is executed
    (print "false"))  ;; This expression is not executed


The first operant in comparison operations may be a list or a quoted list. Only if the second operant is not a list, too, then the comparison operation is repeated for every member in the first operant's list. The comparison operation evaluates to true if any of these comparisons returns true.

(== '(1 2 3) 2)  ;; Evaluates to "true"

Logical Operations

The following logical operations are supported by ACMEScript. They are used like any other function, and return a boolean value.

operation Description Example
or, | logical or of two or more boolean expressions (or a b) ;; a or b
and, & logical and of two or more boolean expressions (and a b c) ;; a and b and c
not, ! logical negation or one boolean expression (not true) ;; false
(or (< 1 2) (>= 4 3) (== 1 1))   ;; Returns true
(and (or true false) (not true)) ;; Returns false


The first operant in logical operations may be a list or quoted list. Only if the second operant is not a list, too, then the logical operation is repeated for every member in the first operant's list. The logical operation evaluates to true if any of these operations returns true.

(and '(false false true) true)   ;; Evaluates to "true"
(and '(false false false) true)  ;; Evaluates to "false"

Mathematical Operations

The following mathematical operations are supported by ACMEScript. They are used like any other function, and return a number value.

operation Description Example
+ Add two or more numbers (+ 1 2 3) ;; Returns 6
- Subtract two or more numbers (- 10 1 2 3) ;; Returns 4
* Multiply two or more numbers (* 6 7) ;; Returns 42
/ Divide two or more numbers (/ 23 5) ;; Returns 4.6
** Calculates the power of two or more numbers (** 2 3 4) ;; Returns 4096
% Calculates to modulo of two or more numbers (% 100 21 13) ;; Returns 3
(* 6 7)        ;; Returns 42
(* (+ 3 3) 7)  ;; Return 42