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Notification Server

The Notification that is provided in the directory tools/notificationServer is a simple implementation of a Notification Server that can be used to receive notifications from a CSE.

Verification requests are always acknowledged, and notifications are just printed to the console.

The server normally listens on port 9999. This can be changed by specifying another value to the port variable at the beginning of the file or the command line argumnet --port (see below).


Start as basic HTTP notification server

Start the server by running the command from the tools/notificationServer directory:

Start the Notification Server

In this case the starts and listens on the default port 9999 for incoming connections.

Start with MQTT support

The Notification Server can be started with MQTT support. In this case the server connects to an MQTT broker and listens to the topics specified in the command line arguments.

Start the Notification Server
python3 --mqtt --mqtt-address

The following command starts the NotificationServer with MQTT support enabled. The server would connect to an MQTT broker with username and password authentication, and would listen to the topics "/oneM2M/req/id-in/+/#" and "/oneM2M/req/id-mn/+/#". In addition logging extra information about the MQTT communication to the console is enabled.

More Sophisticated MQTT Example
python3 --mqtt --mqtt-address mqttAddress --mqtt-username mqttUser --mqtt-password mqttPassword --mqtt-useTLS --mqtt-caFile caFile --mqtt-certfile certFile -- mqtt-keyfile keyFile --mqtt-topic /oneM2M/req/id-in/+/# /oneM2M/req/id-mn/+/# --mqtt-logging

Command Line Arguments

The Notification Server can be started with the following command line arguments:

Command Line Argument Description
-h, --help Show a help message and exit.
--port <port> Specify the server port (default: 9999).
--http, --https Run as http (default) or as https server.
--certfile <certfile> Specify the certificate file (mandatory for https).
--keyfile <keyfile> Specify the key file (mandatory for https).
--mqtt Additionally enable MQTT for notifications
--mqtt-address <host> MQTT broker address (default: localhost)
--mqtt-port <port> MQTT broker port (default: 1883)
--mqtt-topic <topic> [<topic> ...] MQTT topic list to subscribe to (default: ['/oneM2M/req/id-in/+/#'])
--mqtt-username <username> MQTT username (default: None)
--mqtt-password <password> MQTT password (default: None)
--mqtt-logging MQTT enable logging (default: disabled)
--mqtt-useTLS MQTT enable TLS (default: disabled)
--mqtt-caFile <cafile> Specify the CA certificate file (mandatory for MQTTS)
--mqtt-certfile <certfile> Specify the certificate file (mandatory for MQTTS)
--mqtt-keyfile <keyfile> Specify the key file (mandatory for MQTTS)
--fail-verification Fail all verification requests with "no privileges" (default: False)
--delay-response [<delay>] Delay response by n seconds (default: 60s)