This section describes how to create and run a Docker image for the ACME CSE.
Running from DockerHub
A Docker image with reasonable defaults is available on Docker Hub: .
You can download and run it with the following shell command:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --rm --name acme-onem2m-cse ankraft/acme-onem2m-cse
To adjust the output to the current terminal width run the image with the following command:
docker run -e COLUMNS="`tput cols`" -e LINES="`tput lines`" -it -p 8080:8080 --rm --name acme-onem2m-cse ankraft/acme-onem2m-cse
Build Your Own Docker Image
You can adapt (ie. configure a new Docker Hub ID) the build script and Dockerfile in the tools/Docker directory. It might be a good idea, for example, to run the CSE in head-less mode (command line argument --headless
or configuration setting [console].headless), which disables screen output. This is the default setting for the provided Docker image.
The build script takes all the current scripts, attribute definitions etc. from the ACME module's init directory and includes them in the Docker image. The configuration file for the Docker image's acme.ini file is copied from file acme.docker from the Docker directory. Please make any necessary changes to that file before building the image.
Different CPU Architectures
The default Docker image is built for the amd64 architecture. If you want to run the CSE on a different architecture and avoid running in emulation mode, you need to build the image on that architecture. The Makefile in the tools/Docker directory provides a targets for building the image on the ARM64 and AMD64 architectures.
# Build Docker Image for ARM64
make build-arm64
# Build Docker Image for AMD64
make build-amd64
Running the CSE
Mapped Base Directory
The Docker image uses the data directory as the base directory for the CSE's runtime data. This directory can be mapped to a volume on the host system. For example, to use a local data directory as the base directory, run the following command:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v /path/to/data:/data --rm --name acme-onem2m-cse ankraft/acme-onem2m-cse
This is useful for persisting data across container restarts and to provide a different configuration file that is then used instead of the default acme.ini file. This directory may also contain a secondary init directory with additional scripts, attribute definitions, etc.
Don't forget to copy a valid acme.ini file to the mapped directory that contains all the configurations for your CSE. The CSE will use this file instead of the default one.
Environment Variables
ACME supports the use of environment variables in the configuration settings. This is useful when running the CSE in a Docker container, where the configuration settings can be set via environment variables.
One example is to provide the Docker host's IP address to the CSE as the cseHost configuration settings.
The setting for cseHost in the acme.ini file should should be changed to the following:
The value for this setting can be provided by setting the environment variable DOCKER_HOST_IP to the Docker host's IP address:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v /path/to/data:/data -e DOCKER_HOST_IP=`ifconfig en0 | awk '$1 == "inet" {print $2}'` -rm --name acme-onem2m-cse ankraft/acme-onem2m-cse
Values for other setting, such as credentials, can be provided the same way.
Exposed Ports
The provided Docker image exposes TCP ports 8080 (http) and 8180 (websockets), and UDP port 5683 (CoAP). The ports can be mapped to different ports on the host system.
The ports are always exposed even if only the HTTP binding is enabled by default.