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Running the ACME Web UI as a Stand-Alone Application

The web UI can also be run as an independent application. Since it communicates with the CSE via the Mca interfave it should be possible to use it with other CSE implementations as well as long as those third party CSEs follow the oneM2M http binding specification. It only supports the resource types that the ACME CSE supports, but at least it will present all other resource types as unknown.

You can start the stand-alone web UI in a terminal like this (in the sub-directory acme/webui):

Start the Web UI as a stand-alone application

It starts with defaults, which can be set via command line arguments:

Command Line Argument Description
-h, --help Show a help message and exit.
--ip HOSTIP Specify the web UI's local IP address to bind to.
Default: (only localhost)
--port HOSTPORT Specify the web UI's local port.
Default: 8000
--cseurl TARGETURL The target CSE's base URL. This is where the actual CSE can be reached.
--ri TARGETRI The target CSE's default base RI.
Default: id-in
--originator TARGETORIGINATOR The target CSE's default originator.
Default: CAdmin
--tls Enable TLS (https) for the web UI.
It is disabled by default.
--certfile CERTFILE Path to the certificate file for TLS.
Required for --tls.
Default: None.
--keyfile KEYFILE Path to the private key file.
Required for --tls.
Default: None.
--oauth Enable OAuth2 authentication for CSE access.
Default: False.
--oauth-server-url OAUTHSERVERURL The OAuth2 server URL from which to retrieve the authentication token.
Default: None.
Automatic token retrieval and renewal is supported for keycloak.
--client-id CLIENTID The OAuth2 client ID.
Default: None.
--client-secret CLIENTSECRET The OAuth2 client secret.
Default: None.
--logging Enable logging to console.
Default: False
--no-open Disable opening a web browser on startup.
Default: False


The following command starts the web UI's proxy server with the following parameters:

  • The proxy binds to the local IP interface ( on port 8000 (both the defaults).
  • The proxy proxy serves the web UI via http (the default, no TLS is enabled).
  • The remote CSE is reachable at and has the resource ID incse.
  • The remote CSE requires OAuth2 authentication, the client ID is aClientID, the client secret is aClientSecret, and the token is retrieved and renewed from
  • Logging is enabled.
Start the Web UI as a stand-alone application with OAuth2
python3 --cseurl --logging --ri incse --oauth --client-id aClientID --client-secret aClientSecret --oauth-server-url