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Configuration - Basic Settings

The CSE is configured using the configuration file acme.ini. This file contains all necessary settings for the CSE to run. These settings are used throughout the configuration settings using interpolation.

When creating the configuration file, it is recommended to use the interactive procedure to generate a file with basic configuration settings. 1

Basic Configuration

Section: [basic.config]

These are the general settings for the CSE. Some settings are mandatory, others are optional. This depends on the type of CSE to run.

Setting Description Optional
cseType The type of CSE to run.
Allowed values: IN, MN, ASN
cseID The CSE-ID of the CSE. This is a unique identifier for the CSE. No
cseName The name of the CSE. No
adminID The CSE-ID of the CSE's admin. No
networkInterface The network interface to use. No
cseHost The IP address of the CSE.
The default is ${hostIPAddress}.
httpPort The port for the HTTP server.
This value depends on the cseType.
registrarCseID The CSE-ID of the registrar CSE.
This setting is mandatory for cseType = MN and ASN.
registrarCseName The name of the registrar CSE.
This setting is mandatory for cseType = MN and ASN.
registrarCseHost The IP address of the registrar CSE.
This setting is mandatory for cseType = MN and ASN.
The default is ${hostIPAddress}.
registrarCsePort The port of the registrar CSE.
This setting is mandatory for cseType = MN and ASN.
databaseType The type of database to use.
Allowed values: memory, tinydb, postgresql
logLevel The log level for the CSE.
Allowed values: debug, info, warning, error, off
consoleTheme The theme for the console and text UI.
Allowed values: light, dark

In addition to the settings in the table above, the built-in configuration settings and envirnoment variables can be used in the configuration.

  1. You can add further configurations if necessary by copying sections and settings from acme.ini.default