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Configuration - MQTT Binding Settings

The CSE supports MQTT communication via the MQTT binding. The MQTT binding is disabled by default and must be enabled in the configuration file under [mqtt].enable .

General Settings

Section: [mqtt]

These are the general MQTT client settings.

Setting Description Default
enable Enable the MQTT binding. False
address The hostname of the MQTT broker.
port Set the port for the MQTT broker. 1883, or 8883 for TLS
listenIF Interface to listen to. Use for "all" interfaces.
keepalive Value for the MQTT connection's keep-alive parameter in seconds. 60 seconds
topicPrefix Optional prefix for topics. empty string
timeout Timeout when sending MQTT requests and waiting for responses. 10.0 seconds


Section: []

These are the security settings for the MQTT binding.

Setting Description Default
useTLS Enable TLS for communications with the MQTT broker. False
username The username for MQTT broker authentication if required by the broker. empty string
password The password for MQTT broker authentication. empty string
verifyCertificate Verify certificates in requests. Set to False when using self-signed certificates. False
caCertificateFile Path and filename of the certificate file. empty string
allowedCredentialIDs List of credential-IDs that can be used to register an AE via MQTT. If this list is empty then all credential IDs are allowed.
This is a comma-separated list. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported.
empty list