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Configuration - WebSocket Binding Settings

The CSE supports WebSocket communication via the WebSocket binding. The WebSocket binding is disabled by default and must be enabled in the configuration file under [websocket].enable.

General Settings

Section: [websocket]

These are the general WebSocket settings.

Setting Description Default
enable Enable the WebSocket binding. False
port Set the port for the WebSocket server. 8180
listenIF Interface to listen to. Use for "all" interfaces.
address Own address. Should be a local/public reachable address. ws://${basic.config:cseHost}:${port}
loglevel Loglevel for the WebSocket server. Allowed values: debug, info, warning, error, off. ${basic.config:logLevel}
timeout Timeout when sending websocket requests and waiting for responses. ${cse:requestExpirationDelta}


Section: []

These are the security settings for the WebSocket binding.

Setting Description Default
useTLS Enable TLS for websocket communications. False
tlsVersion TLS version to be used in connections.
Allowed versions: TLS1.1, TLS1.2, auto . Use auto to allow client-server certificate version negotiation.
verifyCertificate Verify certificates in requests. Set to False when using self-signed certificates. False
caCertificateFile Path and filename of the certificate file. empty string
caPrivateKeyFile Path and filename of the private key file. empty string