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Upper Tester Support

The CSE has limited support for the Upper Tester (UT) test protocol. This protocol is used to trigger a System Under Test (SUT), ie. a CSE, to perform certain oneM2M operations and other actions. See oneM2M's TS-0019 "Abstract Test Suite and Implementation eXtra Information for Test" specification for further details.

To support this feature an additional endpoint __UT__ is available under the HTTP server's root path. It can be enabled by setting the configuration [http].enenableUpperTesterEndpoint in the configuration file to True.


Only use this feature in a controlled environment. Enabling it may lead to a total loss of data because several internal functions and resources are exposed or can be managed without added security.

Supported Functions

The Upper Tester endpoint currently only supports a limited set of the functionality specified in TS-0019, but offers additional functionality, such as sending commands with arguments and receiving return values.

The following sections present an overview.

HTTP Header X-M2M-UTCMD : Run CSE Commands

The X-M2M-UTCMD http header field is used to run a command internally by the CSE. The ACME CSE implements these commands as scripts that have the meta tag @uppertester set.

The following commands are available by default, but other can be added. Some of these commands are used to reconfigure the CSE when running test cases.

UT Functionality Description
reset Resets the CSE to its initial state. No other function or operation present in the request is executed.
status Returns the CSE running status in the response header field X-M2M-UTRSP.
disableShortRequestExpiration For running test cases: Disables short request expiration.
disableShortResourceExpiration For running test cases: Disables short resource expiration.
enableShortRequestExpiration For running test cases: Enables short request expiration.
enableShortResourceExpiration For running test cases: Enables short resource expiration.

Header X-M2M-UTRSP : Return CSE Command Result

In case a command returns a result then it is available in the header field X-M2M-UTRSP of the HTTP response to the Uper Tester's request.


Resetting the CSE

This example initiates a reset of the CSE.
The successful execution is indicated by the Response Status Code header X-M2M-RSC: 2000

Resetting the CSE
$ curl -X POST -H "X-M2M-UTCMD:Reset" http://localhost:8080/__ut__
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Werkzeug/3.0.2 Python/3.11.7
< Date: Sun, 05 May 2024 11:09:33 GMT
< Server: ACME 2024.DEV
< X-M2M-RSC: 2000
< X-M2M-UTRSP: false
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: close

Get the CSE Status

This example requests the CSE status. It is returned in the X-M2M-UTRSP header.

Get the CSE Status
$ curl -v -X POST -H "X-M2M-UTCMD:Status" http://localhost:8080/__ut__
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Werkzeug/3.0.2 Python/3.11.7
< Date: Sun, 05 May 2024 11:02:47 GMT
< Server: ACME 2024.04
< X-M2M-RSC: 2000
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: close